Disclaimer: These tips are for the blog author, pls seek professional instruction as this sport may be dangerous!
Great Reference on cornering:
Hey coach series:
0. Brake before the turn
1. Drill: standing practice turning the bike on flat terrain by TWISTING THE HIPS (1:20 in the clip)
Dynamic pedal idea in this drill
2. Turn with all three eyes (belly button is the third eye, imagine laser shooting from it, point with it!)
(2:15 in the clip)
3. Angulate the bike into the turn, not the body (2:28 in the clip)
4. Go screw yourself into the bike (2:37 in the clip)
Brake before the corner
Angulate the bike, not the body
Twist the hips (screw yourself into the bike in the direction of the turn)
Hand (I adjusted this from the original: outside hand is so that the outside elbow is high)
Explosive exit (I can't do it yet: put pressure with feet on suspension as you are unscrewing yourself: as you untwist towards the end [quote] "try pushing yourself up to neutral position with a powerful push through the heels of your feet. This should drive more traction but also generate some momentum and
bring you to the neutral position quickly, ready for the next corner or
trail challenge."